1970 to 1973 The Pythian Castle Cultural Center, Toledo, OH. Director of Performing Arts. Produced weekly concerts and plays by local artists. Performed in concerts with Savoy Brown, Spirit, and Commander Cody. Produced a voter registration concert in Toledo Sports Arena with attendance over 20,000.
Wholey Toledo. Don had been invited to stay with friends in Toledo Ohio and with this break he took the opportunity to visit them. His mode of transportation was his thumb. He arrived totally broke. But then he left that way. He had his guitar and performing along the way got him what he needed. The first order of business was to find a place to play for "spare change". He had been told of a "hip" tavern on the East side of Toledo and that was his first stop. He introduced himself through his music and made a few friends and a little money. Several of the people there were involved with an outdoor concert venue called The Farm outside of Lima Ohio. He was invited to go with them to their concert the next day. The concert featured Savoy Brown & Spirit. Spirit had performed and Savoy Brown's piano still hadn't arrived from Toledo. They were up next and about 10,000 people were getting restless. The next thing Don knew, he was on stage and he "Kicked Ass" for about half an hour. The piano arrived. Savoy Brown "Kicked Ass" and everybody had an "Ass Kicking" time! In the audience was Ed Emery, the owner of a building in downtown Toledo called the Pythian Castle. Five stories high, with two auditoriums, and a music store leasing the ground floor. He asked Don if wanted to help him turn it into a cultural center with concerts in the auditoriums and arts and crafts shops in the many smaller rooms. "The Pythian Castle, A hippie Mall?" So on day three in Toledo Ohio, Don said yes to what would become Director of Performing Arts of the Pythian Castle Cultural Center and what would be a two year adventure that deserves it's own book. In the end Ed Emery lost the Castle in a divorce settlement and it was back to California for Don.
I knew Don Glenn and had painting of him playing his flute with my fellow member of Radiation Blues Band, Rick Magley at a summer concert at a Quarry near Toledo.
He was a remarkable gentle man who enjoyed people and took great interest in any musical experiences available in the area. I always wondered what had happened to him and am happy that he is mentioned here. It was a genuine surprise.
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